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Image by Max McKinnon
Advertisements & email marketing

Ever heard of the age-old saying "Familiarity breeds trust"? If you've got an email list, you've got a wealth of interested possible consumers and untapped potential.

Advertisements & email marketing

from £75

Advertisements can feature on your website, social media, emails, newsletters,  updates - you name it, you can stick an ad on there. Effective advertisements = sales.

It's not as simple as just writing an advert, though - a professional copywriter knows exactly how to tap into your audience's psyche to persuade, manipulate and encourage them to buy - (ethically, of course!)


If you've got an email list, you've got sales you aren't tapping into within touching distance. Effective direct-response and soft-sale marketing emails can flip an uninspired prospect into a repeat paying customer.

Pricing and fees

Advertisements - Social Media:

To be agreed

Advertising your business, brand, course or product? Social media is the way to go. Paid ads reach a huge volume of relevant people that Facebook deems likely to be interested in what you have to offer - I do the legwork to get them over the finish line.


Email Marketing Campaigns:

Fee - To be agreed

Email marketing is, has and always will be the digital marketing King. When written well, with a gripping headline and an enamouring body text, you can sell anything. You'll reach a larger audience, too!


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